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Graphic Tee Design

What was your job for this project?

My job was to design a graphic, for a shirt, based on a company while still trailing back to the corporate identity of Urban Outfitters. My company was Gargyole Mobiloil. I went for a tire graphic to meet the identity of Gargoyle and then I incorporated chunky fonts to meet Urban’s young, hip style.

What was the design process you took to complete the project? Please list your steps below.

I first began sketching a design out. I first began with a graphic of a gargoyle. My design revolved a lot. I then decided to incorporate the simple gargoyle graphic into a tire; the tire correlates to the Mobil oil company. After, I added the word “gargoyle”, I decided to add “mobil oil” in a circular, curvy path around the core of the tire. I’ve seen circular, chunk graphics at Urban, so I believe the circular tire matches that revelation. Then, I added the established date to add some edge and extra visual effects.

What did you find most challenging about your design?

My theme was most challenging. I had a mobiloil company and find that it is odd to wear a graphic related to oil for cars. Also, it was a little tricky to create a graphic with a gargoyle graphic.

If you can change one thing about your design what would you change?

I would add more dimension to the tire by including shadows. I also would go for a more intricate gargoyle design.

What do you think makes a good graphic t-shirt design?

I think a good graphic T-shirt is one that has an eye-catching graphic, readable words and phrases, and righteous color combinations. I think the graphic’s color should compliment the color of the T-shirt

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